
LipoLaser helps to shed inches faster & easier than ever before. Lipo Laser is a non-surgical procedure that effectively helps patients lose inches naturally. With no side effects or downtime. Using a low-level laser to target hardened fat tissue Laser Liposuction offers a permanent fat reduction. Lipo laser works by only targeting the subcutaneous fat cells, leaving the neighboring tissues such as skin, blood vessels or peripheral nerves unharmed and intact.
What is LipoLaser?
Using a cold laser, Lipolaser penetrates the first few millimeters beneath the skin, targeting the stubborn subcutaneous fat cells without damaging the surrounding tissues, muscles or organs. The laser temporarily perforates the fat cells in order to drain them. The cell’s contents are drained through the lymphatic system in the form of triglycerides, which are then broken down, metabolized, and eliminated through the urinary tract.
Lipo Laser requires no knives, needles, or recovery time making it a safe and affordable alternative to Liposuction surgery. For many of us aging means coming to terms with the fact we may need costly, and invasive plastic surgery to restore your youthful glow. Going under the knife to achieve your body goals can be very stressful and taxing both physically and mentally.
Instead of opting for a complicated surgery, Lipo laser offers Liposuction results without the knife. This non-invasive procedure helps to target and eliminate fat in a safe and painless manner. Lipo laser is an ideal treatment for fat reduction in the thighs, hips, and buttocks, leading to a firmer and redefined figure.*
Book your free consultation
If you have a treatment in mind, or would like to discuss available options book a free consultation today and be on the road to the New You in no time.
Why Choose New You?
- The Best Non-Invasive Alternative to Liposuction
- Lasting Fat Reduction without Surgery
- Significantly improves overall texture and tone of skin with little to no downtime!
- Firmer, Tighter and More Toned Skin
- “WOW” Results
Lipo laser is Right For You If:
- You want to target fat deposits resistant to diet and exercise*
- You’re looking for a non-surgical method to target fat in your waist, hips, and thighs*
- You want a firm and toned body*
- You want a more contoured and shapely physique
If you have a treatment in mind, or would like to discuss available options book a free consultation today and be on the road to the New You in no time.
Financing Options
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The greatest feature of Lipolaser is that unlike other body slimming treatments, Lipolaser does not have an extended period of recovery time. After every treatment, you can continue your daily routine as usual. In addition, you should not expect any side effects such as swelling or discomfort.
Usually a Lipolaser treatment lasts for 30-40 minutes. In order to achieve the best results 2 treatments a week totalling 8-10 treatments for one month is recommended.
Patients can expect a pain-free body contouring procedure. After your consultation your New You Lipolaser aesthetician will position the Lipolaser on the target zone. Treatment will then begin. For the next 15-30 patients can relax and catch up on some reading or emails or even take a brief nap if they like. The procedure is painless meaning patients will feel no discomfort throughout.
There is no need to book time off work or schedule a recovery period following a Lipolaser treatment. However, immediately following a Lipolaser procedure patients are advised to stay well hydrated with water. It is also strongly recommended that Lipolaser patients abstain from alcohol and caffeine consumption for the first few days because both can interfere with the lymphatic system’s ability to metabolize fat.