Answering Your Questions: (Jawline Fillers, Bodisculpting, Rhinoplasty, Laser Hair & Locations)
Let New You Cosmetic Centres answer your questions!
There are many common questions that often get sent our way over the phone and through our various social
media platforms. The job of this article is to answer many of these questions as simply and as effectively as
possible. This article series will be consistently updated to keep you informed on the information that you
want to know about.
All questions to follow in this article were submitted directly via our instagram stories anonymously and answered
by our experts on the New You staff.
Do you do jawline fillers?
A: Yes we do! Such a fantastic procedure That can really contour the face!
Where are you located? How many locations do you have?
A: As of now we currently have 7 Locations in the Greater Toronto Area.
Davisville, Yorkville, Queen West, Burlington, Woodbridge, Port Credit & Richmond Hill.
You can find a current list of our locations here.
How much do I need to pay for my first Laser Hair Removal Session?
A: Prices vary for Laser Hair Removal for reasons such as: Treatment Area & Hair Type. It is usually best discussed
through a virtual or in-person consultation. We also have pricing packages & financing available.
Are you able to remove bumps from the nose?
A: Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty is an amazing procedure that can completely transform the look of your nose!
Does Bodisculpt 360 Actually Work?
A: Bodisculpt 360 is actually fantastic! So yes it definitely works and has been known to give clients amazing
results. It’s fast, painless and quick!
Is Bodisculpting the best option for love handles?
Can it help around the knees?
A: Yes it can be done on multiple different treatment areas! (Including abdomen & inner / outer thighs)
Book An Appointment Today!
Contact one of our Participating locations and we can set you up with an appointment.