Your Skin, Your Body, Your Glow—Let’s Transform Together.


Double Chin Reduction


Without surgery, knives or invasive tools, Freeze Your Fat Away™ contours the body quickly and effectively. Double Chin Reduction Treatment at NEW YOU.

New You’s 3-Stage Freeze Your Fat Away™ package is a great value and packs the fat-busting punch to get you the body you’ve always wanted.
After receiving the targeted Freeze Your Fat Away™ treatment, your New You Freeze Your Fat Away™ technician will give you the metabolism boosting Fat Cracker used for treating cellulite. 

  • Better Machines – We spent 3 years traveling the world for the best technology available.Other clinics are using up to 10 year old cryolyposis machines and selling on the strength of an old brand. New You Spa’s Exclusive technology works twice as fast for double the results and up to half the cost as that old technology.
  • Melt Fat – The only clinic in North America to Freeze Fat Away with our Exclusive process. First, Lipo Laser to open the fat lipids. We then heat the area to make your experience pain free. Our Cryolipolysis machines freeze the fat in half the time as other clinics. Last, we use our Exclusive Fat Cracker to break up the fat cells and tighten the skin for maximum results.
  • Minimal Downtime – What takes an entire day at other clinics can be done in 30 Min at New You. Our Exclusive Freeze Your Fat Away™ program incorporates 3 services into one fat melting service.

Book your free consultation

If you have a treatment in mind, or would like to discuss available options book a free consultation today and be on the road to the New You in no time.
